Friday, December 17, 2010
A Life Unraveled
As I watched President Obama sign the tax compromise bill into law today, I couldn't help but think of the many unemployed people who will receive no further help. I'm talking about the group known as the 99ers. Even though the new law extends the eligibility for existing federal unemployment programs for 13 months, it doesn't add any additional tiers of compensation for those who have already collected the maximum benefits. They are left to fend for themselves. I wrote this verse with these unfortunate people in mind.
A Life Unraveled
All his life he worked so hard
To build a better life
Made sacrifices just to please
His children and his wife
And just as he was reaching
His precious golden years
He lost his job and had to face
The worst of all his fears
And searching for employment
His savings dwindled down
Despite his desperate efforts
Employment was not found
And everything unraveled
Through no fault of his own
He wept himself to sleep each night
So weary and alone
And when the unemployment checks
Were gone forever more
A once great proud provider
Took his place among the poor
And now he begs for handouts
And wonders every day
How this could have happened
In his precious U.S.A.
Steven Pein
17 December 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Some thoughts about our economic plight.
Why does anyone in their right mind believe that our problems can be fixed by the people who caused them in the first place, be they Democrats or Republicans? If you let yourself get caught up in the political blame game, then you're falling into the trap of believing one party or another can fix this mess.
And, by the way, the Tea Party isn’t a political party. It’s a grass roots movement of people that want less government in their lives. They’re fiscal conservatives, and that’s why they lean toward the Republicans. But to “equate” them to Republicans is a terrible political mistake, as many rank and file Republicans are going to discover very shortly.
How about stepping back from Washington and looking for totally out-of-the-box approaches? For example, stimulate the economy by allowing all 401(k) and IRA money to be withdrawn totally free of taxation for people 55 and over. That would provide so much investment capital that new businesses would spring up left and right. If you also dropped the Medicare age to 55, lots of people could afford to retire early and open up the labor market. These are just some of my thoughts. I’d rather try to come up with some unique ideas than sit around with my thumb up my butt blaming one politician over another.
That’s my take, and I’d like to hear yours. You can comment anonymously to this Blog.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Dollar is Shrinking
This verse is for Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve, begging them to do something that will stop the inflation we see running rampant everywhere we shop. The Fed keeps monetizing the debt, even though Ben swore under oath to Congress that he wouldn’t do it. I’m urging them to please stop printing money.
A Note to Ben Bernanke and the Fed
Ignoring fundamental fiscal principles
Can crush a nation once believed invincible
In plain old fashioned words that are unminceable
Monetizing debt is indefensible
Let me recommend an act more sensible
One that folks would find less reprehensible
Do the thing that’s fiscally commendable
Raise the rates so folks earn cash that’s spendable
Steven Pein
14 November 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A rat keeps eating the birdseed
And chasing the birds away
My wife is in a frenzy
So I bought a trap today
It’s me against the rodent
The battle’s about to start
I know I’ll be victorious
With my trusty Havahart®
Steven Pein
9 November 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Leaving - A Sequel
On June 9, I posted a poem called "Leaving". It was about an unhappy woman who wanted a better life. She took action, but it didn't work out the way she thought it would.
This new poem is is a continuation of her story. It's simply called "Leaving - A Sequel".
Leaving – A Sequel
She made her decision
To escape from the captivity she knew
This time when she left him
She understood just what she had to do
Chose a special place,
None would know her face,
Allowing her to start a life anew
Early in the morning
After he had left for work one day
Suitcase packed and ready
A girlfriend came to help her get away
Knowing he would chase,
She couldn’t leave a trace,
She closed her eyes and she began to pray
The first leg of the journey
Was a train ride down to Washington, DC
Then she took the Metro
To a bus that went to Memphis, Tennessee
In fragile state of mind,
She’d left it all behind,
Her sheer determination set her free
The P.O. box in Memphis
That she opened up a couple weeks before
Contained her new identity
She wouldn’t use her old name anymore
In twenty minutes flat,
She disappeared like that,
And hoped that he’d be heard from never more
He came home that evening
And was greeted by the note she left behind
Sat down as he read it
A letter filled with words that weren’t kind
And suddenly irate,
He knew he couldn’t wait,
His plans were formulated in his mind
Setting out determined
Feeling he could track her like a hound
Hoping when he found her
There would be no other soul around
He would spend his life,
Searching for his wife,
But she was destined never to be found
Steven Pein
15 October 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Facebook Gremlins
Facebook Gremlins
Facebook has some gremlins
Who do some nasty deeds
They’re great at stealing photos
And messing up your feeds
They’re widespread little menaces
That pop up everywhere
First they wreak their havoc
And then they disappear
It’s best to just ignore them
And let them play their game
’Cause chasing little gremlins
Can drive you quite insane
Steven Pein
13 October 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Facebook Addict
Facebook Addict
I’m a genuine Facebook addict
I can’t seem to stay away
I log on every morning
That’s how I start my day
I sip a cup of coffee
And read the News Feed page
I guess I’m just a victim
Of the information age
I don’t know how I’ll face life
If Facebook ever ends
Life would seem so empty
Without my Facebook friends
Steven Pein
7 October 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Knight in Shining Armor
A Knight in Shining Armor
Knights in shining armor
Don’t turn up when they should
And every day you wait for one
Is a day that’s lost for good
It’s time to pick your cards up
And play the hand you’re dealt
Find a way to overcome
How cheated you have felt
Sometimes on the road of life
Its twists and turns surprise
Each day is a gift from God
So open up your eyes
Hoping for a better life
Is not the way to go
Just walk along life’s twisted path
With faith God loves you so
Steven Pein
4 October 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
There are so many people suffering from chronic depression. It saddens me that they don't seek the professional help they so desperately need, because modern medications and therapy techniques can free them from their depression. I wrote Suffering as a wake up call to anyone who feels trapped with no way out.
She suffered through a lifetime
Filled with grief and pain
Darkness that could never find a light
She sought to make life bearable
Tried time and time again
But now her soul had lost the will to fight
All the years of sadness
Consumed her will to live
She couldn’t find a way to make things right
Exhausted from her struggles
With no strength left to give
She pondered other ways to face her plight
Running out of options
Wanting it to end
The suffering had reached so great a height
A bottle filled with sleeping pillsWas then her only friend
She ended all her suffering last night
Steven Pein
25 September 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Air-raid drill. Everyone get under your desk.
Do you remember when we were kids back in the 1950’s and they used to have air-raid drills at school? They’d have us all get under our desks for safety. Well, that’s the reason they gave us anyway. I think there may have been a different reason, so I wrote Air Raid Shelter to explain it.
Air Raid Shelter
In school so long ago
The sirens used to blow
Warning us of nuclear attacks
And on our teacher’s cue
Beneath our desks we flew
Believing that the teacher had our backs
Why we sat that way
Dawned on me one day
In one of my insightful brilliant flashes
With H-bomb heat so high
Beneath our desks we’d fry
And that would help the folks ID our ashes
18 September 2010
Steven Pein
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Making Do
Retirement is when you relax, travel, and enjoy the fruits of your labors. Well, that's what it's supposed to be.
Making Do
Clipping all the coupons
Hunting for the sales
We’re watching every dime we spend these days
The future’s looking bleaker
With every passing day
And we don’t think this problem’s just a phase
Real estate’s too risky
CD’s don’t pay squat
The Market has us practically in tears
Here we are retired
And we can’t make a dime
On money that we saved up all these years
No sense in complaining
It doesn’t help a bit
We’ll get by no matter what it takes
We’ll eat more hamburgers
We’ll eat franks and beans
And say goodbye to lobsters and to steaks
Steven Pein
14 September 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
San Diego Zoo
I try to capture at least one good photo every time I go to the San Diego zoo. Today it was these gorgeous flamingos.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
They died too soon
This is for Frank, Lana, Judy and all the others who have shared the experience of digging out the yearbooks to reminisce about those good old days.
Too Soon
Flipping through the yearbook
It seems like yesterday
We graduated high school
And went our separate ways
Every day is precious
We’ve often heard it said
The yearbook now affirms it
With faces of the dead
Some were lost to cancer
Some to heart attacks
Some went off to fight a war
And never made it back
So open up your yearbook
Every single day
And thank the Lord for giving you
Another chance to pray
29 August 2010
Steven Pein
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
SEPTA HO Scale PCC Trolley
There are some things you just can't part with. I was looking through some old possessions and I came across this brand new Bachmann SEPTA trolley. My ex-wife used to work for Bachmann and they had just prepared to market these beautiful SEPTA trolleys when SEPTA filed a lawsuit to stop them from using the SEPTA logo. So they had to pull back all inventory and replace it with an old PTC version which they sell to this day. I immediately got my hands on two of these beauties and gave one of them to my old friend (and now Bensalem District Justice) Lenny Brown, an avid collector.
I remember when these gems ran down Erie Ave? Does anyone know if they're still running?
After all these years, I wonder if SEPTA realizes how stupid and irresponsible they were to spend publicly funded dollars to block this product from being sold to the public.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pull the Troops
Maybe we don’t really need troops in the Middle East. I thought of something better we can do with them.
Pull the Troops
Pull out all the soldiers
From Iraq and Afghanistan
Deploy them on our borders
To truly protect our land
After we seal our borders
Bad guys can’t get in
Making the war on terror
A war that we can win
Steven Pein
6 August 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The USS Rancocus
“Google” USS Rancocus and learn all about it.
The USS Rancocus
The Navy has a cruiser
That never sailed the seas
And never can it bask in
An ocean’s balmy breeze
Never did this ship slide
Down a shipyard’s ways
Commissioning had doomed it
Landlocked for all days
Driving down the Turnpike
Its bridge comes into focus
A cruiser in the cornfield
The USS Rancocus
Steven Pein
1 August 2010
Genesis 3:22 and “The Six”
My novel “The Six” is based on Genesis 3:22.
Genesis 3:22 in the New Living Translation says:
Then the Lord God said, “The people have become as we are, knowing everything, both good and evil. What if they eat the fruit of the tree of life? Then they will live forever!”
God knew that "eating the fruit of the tree of life" would make men immortal, so He designed a wonderful way to prevent it. But something went horribly astray with God's plan.
Read “The Six” to find out what went wrong. It’s free on line by clicking on this link "The Six" by Steven Pein . Happy reading!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
City Mouse and Country Mouse
Today I was remembering the wonderful days when I was City Mouse and Janice was Country Mouse. I was on the east coast and Janice was here in San Diego. We sent e-mails back and forth for months and we spoke on the phone for hours every single night. And I remember how scared I was when I proposed, and how relieved I was when she accepted.
And every e-mail ended with O.O.F. That was our loving secret.
Our Pilot Licenses
Four of us got our pilot licenses together. We worked hard and we were all really proud, because this was certainly no “Mickey Mouse” accomplishment.
Our Pilot Licenses
I earned my pilot license
Along with another three
Alan, Irene and Linda
Earned theirs along with me
It’s such a great accomplishment
One we proudly hail
We all four earned our licenses
On the Disney Monorail
Steven Pein
28 July 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
This is for my beloved wife, Janice. She taught me all about love.
I could live without material things
And somehow I’d make do
There’s only one necessity
I couldn’t exist without you
Steven Pein
25 July 2010
I could live without material things
And somehow I’d make do
There’s only one necessity
I couldn’t exist without you
Steven Pein
25 July 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Road Crew Dilemma
We’ve all seen road crews hanging around shooting the breeze when they should be working. And you wonder to yourself, “Where is their supervisor?”
The Road Crew Dilemma
The road crew got to the work site
The truck with the shovels was late
The foreman told the workers
You’re just gonna have to wait
He told them as they panicked
Here’s what you can do
Try to lean on each other
’til the shovels arrive for you
Steven Pein
23 July 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
They Grow So Fast
I was watching television when this verse suddenly popped into my head.
They Grow So Fast
They grow so fast it takes me by surprise
Amazingly they grow before my eyes
And I have heard from people very wise
In a flash they’ll grow to twice their size
What a sense of wonder it instills
As I watch them grow it gives me chills
Stopping them would help to cure my ills
Not the kids, I mean the cable bills
22 July 2010
Steven Pein
They Grow So Fast
They grow so fast it takes me by surprise
Amazingly they grow before my eyes
And I have heard from people very wise
In a flash they’ll grow to twice their size
What a sense of wonder it instills
As I watch them grow it gives me chills
Stopping them would help to cure my ills
Not the kids, I mean the cable bills
22 July 2010
Steven Pein
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The House on Thirty-Third Street (A tribute to Jake and Rose)
I wrote this verse in honor of my wonderful grandparents, Jake and Rose. I spent my first five years livng in the house on Thirty-third Street in Strawberry Mansion, and I'll always remember those days. It was an apartment house with three apartments; one on each of its three floors.
The House on Thirty-Third Street
(A tribute to Jake and Rose)
The house on Thirty-third Street
Was on my mind today
A house where many lives had first begun
Shirley, Al and Freda
All had places there
A separate floor for each and every one
Jake and Rose had purchased it
In hopes to give their kids
A helping hand to start their married lives
And now if Jake and Rose could see
How well their kids had done
Tears of joy would surely fill their eyes
Steven Pein
21 July 2010
The House on Thirty-Third Street
(A tribute to Jake and Rose)
The house on Thirty-third Street
Was on my mind today
A house where many lives had first begun
Shirley, Al and Freda
All had places there
A separate floor for each and every one
Jake and Rose had purchased it
In hopes to give their kids
A helping hand to start their married lives
And now if Jake and Rose could see
How well their kids had done
Tears of joy would surely fill their eyes
Steven Pein
21 July 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
A morning at the park. And a young hawk appears out of nowhere.
We took Max to the park this morning.
He had his usual look around to make sure no cats were around.
Then he stretched out to enjoy the beautiful weather, totally oblivious to what had just landed on the cyclone fence about 100 feet from the bench.
This beautiful bird only let me get about 50 feet away before he flew off, but not before I captured this one nice shot of him.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Did you ever hold a hummingbird?
This is Janice holding a hummingbird in our back yard. We're pretty sure this little guy is one of the babies that hatched in the nest on our front porch, but we can't be absolutely certain.
At first glance, one might think this is a domesticated bird. Actually this little guy clocked himself when he flew into our storm door glass. Janice picked him up to protect him and he sat there dazed for about ten minutes before taking off. He was just fine after that, but he didn't fly into the glass door again.
Isn't he absolutely beautiful?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pork Roll Heaven
Our economic woes are going to get worse.
You might just want to hold off on any big ticket purchases.
The economy is in far worse shape than was previously thought. Today the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (FOMC) revealed some sobering facts. Our weak economic recovery is stalling due to global economic problems, businesses are more reluctant than ever to hire, and banks are not lending money.
They also indicated that the Fed interest rates were likely to remain at historic lows for an extended period of time, and that inflation concerns are almost nonexistent. While this may cheer up some investors watching daily stock prices, it is news that portends a grim future for many of us.
Here are my predictions for some key economic elements.
1. We will enter a double dip recession.
2. Housing prices will take another dip.
3. Savings accounts will earn the lowest interest rates in history.
4. Inflation will be contained, but the real cost of living will increase.
5. The stock market will not recover any time soon.
Of all the things on the list, I’m primarily concerned about number 4. We’ve all seen real costs go up in the supermarket; not so much in the prices we pay, but in the diminishing package sizes of the products we buy. The government has a clever way of hiding that from the official Cost of Living Index by calling each reduction a “wash” because the products have allegedly improved, or the daily portion has been reduced. (They have to do this so they can avoid giving cost of living raises to Social Security and pension recipients.) But the worst cost of living increase will have nothing to do with what we buy. It will be from local, state and federal taxes going up significantly to cover the shortfalls resulting from the collapsing economy.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any real solutions to offer. If saving Capitalism were the goal, I know that the Democrats are doing the wrong thing by perpetuating their out-of-control spending. My real fear lies in the fact that their true goal is to transform us into a Socialist nation.
The economy is in far worse shape than was previously thought. Today the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (FOMC) revealed some sobering facts. Our weak economic recovery is stalling due to global economic problems, businesses are more reluctant than ever to hire, and banks are not lending money.
They also indicated that the Fed interest rates were likely to remain at historic lows for an extended period of time, and that inflation concerns are almost nonexistent. While this may cheer up some investors watching daily stock prices, it is news that portends a grim future for many of us.
Here are my predictions for some key economic elements.
1. We will enter a double dip recession.
2. Housing prices will take another dip.
3. Savings accounts will earn the lowest interest rates in history.
4. Inflation will be contained, but the real cost of living will increase.
5. The stock market will not recover any time soon.
Of all the things on the list, I’m primarily concerned about number 4. We’ve all seen real costs go up in the supermarket; not so much in the prices we pay, but in the diminishing package sizes of the products we buy. The government has a clever way of hiding that from the official Cost of Living Index by calling each reduction a “wash” because the products have allegedly improved, or the daily portion has been reduced. (They have to do this so they can avoid giving cost of living raises to Social Security and pension recipients.) But the worst cost of living increase will have nothing to do with what we buy. It will be from local, state and federal taxes going up significantly to cover the shortfalls resulting from the collapsing economy.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any real solutions to offer. If saving Capitalism were the goal, I know that the Democrats are doing the wrong thing by perpetuating their out-of-control spending. My real fear lies in the fact that their true goal is to transform us into a Socialist nation.
Sex change
I got a sex change today.
I discovered that my California license had my sex identified as female, so I went to DMV today to have it corrected. The clerk asked me if I had my birth certificate with me.
The disturbing part is that I had the foresight to bring it.
I discovered that my California license had my sex identified as female, so I went to DMV today to have it corrected. The clerk asked me if I had my birth certificate with me.
The disturbing part is that I had the foresight to bring it.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Road to Scranton
In the early 1970's, Harry Chapin wrote the song "30,000 Pounds of Bananas" about the killer road descending into Scranton, Pennsylvania. I wrote a verse about it as well. It's simply called "The Road to Scranton".
The Road to Scranton
The road that leads to Scranton
Is the scariest I’ve seen
And if you’ve ever driven it
You know just what I mean
Whenever I’m approaching it
I’m stricken with the shakes
I always say a prayer or two
And double check my brakes
The steepness is so awesome
You’ll think your car might fly
And if your brakes ain’t working
Then kiss your ass goodbye
And I’ve got some advice for you
That’s very good to know
When driving down that awful road
Make sure you shift to Low
And if you go in summer’s heat
And make it down alive
Check coolant when returning
It’s a brutal uphill drive
Steven Pein
19 June 2010
The Road to Scranton
The road that leads to Scranton
Is the scariest I’ve seen
And if you’ve ever driven it
You know just what I mean
Whenever I’m approaching it
I’m stricken with the shakes
I always say a prayer or two
And double check my brakes
The steepness is so awesome
You’ll think your car might fly
And if your brakes ain’t working
Then kiss your ass goodbye
And I’ve got some advice for you
That’s very good to know
When driving down that awful road
Make sure you shift to Low
And if you go in summer’s heat
And make it down alive
Check coolant when returning
It’s a brutal uphill drive
Steven Pein
19 June 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Food Precautions
You can't be too careful. For those of you planning some outings this summer, I've compiled some advice about the foods you should avoid. I hope it's helpful.
Food Precautions
Never eat the burgers at the zoo
They may prove to be the end of you
A hot dog or some fries
Would really be quite wise
But greasy burgers certainly won’t do
Never eat the sausage at the fair
You’ll be seeking bathrooms everywhere
Cotton candy’s fine
Eat it any time
But sausage causes way too much despair
Never eat the fish at Taco Bell
It may leave you feeling not so well
You can pack away
Beef and beans all day
But fish will make your stomach feel like Hell
Never eat the nuggets at the game
You’ll get sick and never be the same
Peanuts are okay
At least that’s what they say
But nuggets have been known to cause ptomaine
Steven Pein
10 June 2010
Food Precautions
Never eat the burgers at the zoo
They may prove to be the end of you
A hot dog or some fries
Would really be quite wise
But greasy burgers certainly won’t do
Never eat the sausage at the fair
You’ll be seeking bathrooms everywhere
Cotton candy’s fine
Eat it any time
But sausage causes way too much despair
Never eat the fish at Taco Bell
It may leave you feeling not so well
You can pack away
Beef and beans all day
But fish will make your stomach feel like Hell
Never eat the nuggets at the game
You’ll get sick and never be the same
Peanuts are okay
At least that’s what they say
But nuggets have been known to cause ptomaine
Steven Pein
10 June 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
This is a story about an unhappy woman. She decided that she wanted a better life, and she took action. But sometimes things just aren't so simple.
The train pulled out of Philly
It was just a couple minutes after nine
She glanced down at her watch
The train had left the station right on time
She softly breathed a sigh,
She didn’t know just why,
But the feeling deep inside her was sublime
Her fingers touched her Rail Pass
Suspended on a chain around her neck
With no real destination
It was hard to get the nerve to start this trek
Heading anywhere,
She didn’t really care,
What mattered is she got the nerve and left
The life she had been leading
Was nothing like she dreamed of back in school
Hidden in his shadow
She didn’t want to lead that life at all
Fleeing for a life,
No more to be a wife,
The whole world waiting at her beck and call
Just outside of Wilmington
Reality was starting to set in
Sitting in confusion
Imagining just how she would begin
No matter what the town,
He would track her down,
This game of hide and seek she couldn’t win
Sitting on a park bench
She reached into her handbag for her phone
Dialing his number
Wiping tears and feeling so alone
Making up a lie,
Telling him just why,
She’d be hours late arriving home
Steven Pein
9 June 2010
The train pulled out of Philly
It was just a couple minutes after nine
She glanced down at her watch
The train had left the station right on time
She softly breathed a sigh,
She didn’t know just why,
But the feeling deep inside her was sublime
Her fingers touched her Rail Pass
Suspended on a chain around her neck
With no real destination
It was hard to get the nerve to start this trek
Heading anywhere,
She didn’t really care,
What mattered is she got the nerve and left
The life she had been leading
Was nothing like she dreamed of back in school
Hidden in his shadow
She didn’t want to lead that life at all
Fleeing for a life,
No more to be a wife,
The whole world waiting at her beck and call
Just outside of Wilmington
Reality was starting to set in
Sitting in confusion
Imagining just how she would begin
No matter what the town,
He would track her down,
This game of hide and seek she couldn’t win
Sitting on a park bench
She reached into her handbag for her phone
Dialing his number
Wiping tears and feeling so alone
Making up a lie,
Telling him just why,
She’d be hours late arriving home
Steven Pein
9 June 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Goodbye and good riddance!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Beauty is only skin deep.

Helen Thomas is one of a kind. They say that beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes clean through to the bone. This woman is absolutely scary looking.
But her looks are far more attractive than her mind. Her most recent words of wisdom are that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine and go back to Germany and Poland".
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Ballad of L-3

This is in appreciation of Michael Strianese, President and CEO of L-3 Communications.
The Ballad of L-3
Here’s to Michael Strianese
A hero through and through
For things he has accomplished
That no one else could do
In making acquisitions
Michael’s been so smart
His masterful “due diligence”
He’s honed into an art
Lanza was a legend
Whose shoes were hard to fill
Replacing Frank took quite the man
And Michael filled the bill
For future acquisitions
He searches everywhere
And hopefully the stock will reach
Two hundred bucks a share
The Board is filled with confidence
So go do as you please
They know they can depend upon
Their Michael Strianese
Steven Pein
5 June 2010
Copyright © 2010
Nuclear Preparedness

Growing up, did you ever really think nuclear war would be a possibility? Didn't you really think that mutually assured destruction would be the ultimate deterrent? Well loony countries like Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan would probably set off a nuke in a heartbeat. So how do we protect ourselves?
Here's a little verse to help you out in this time of crisis.
Nuclear Preparedness
The world is getting crazy
It feels like helter-skelter
Now would be a good time
To build a fallout shelter
Let me help you with a list
Of things you’ll need to pack
Enough to last for six months
From the time of first attack
Stock it full of MRE’s
A radio and beer
Lots of bottled water
(And a little Christmas cheer)
Don’t forget the cards and games
For healthy family fun
And last but most importantly
Be sure you pack your gun
Steven Pein
5 June 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
The BP Blues
I threw this verse together in an effort to summarize the Gulf tragedy that's unfolding. I wanted to express my outrage with a bit of poetic dark humor.
Louisiana, we feel your pain.
The BP Blues
Holy mackerel, what a mess
The Gulf is turning gray
A million gallons of crude
Is spewing out each day
Everything that BP tries
Quickly turns to shit
All this oils’s killing us
Please, God, make it quit
Pity all the fishermen
Their fishing spots are few
The wildlife is dying
And coastal towns are too
And BP says they’re sorry
On TV spots each night
They tell us not to worry
And assure they’ll make things right
It’s best not to believe BP
Their record isn’t sound
We blindly put our trust in them
And BP let us down
The next time you need gasoline
I think you’ll understand
It’s highly recommended
You buy a different brand
Steven Pein
4 June 2010
Louisiana, we feel your pain.
The BP Blues
Holy mackerel, what a mess
The Gulf is turning gray
A million gallons of crude
Is spewing out each day
Everything that BP tries
Quickly turns to shit
All this oils’s killing us
Please, God, make it quit
Pity all the fishermen
Their fishing spots are few
The wildlife is dying
And coastal towns are too
And BP says they’re sorry
On TV spots each night
They tell us not to worry
And assure they’ll make things right
It’s best not to believe BP
Their record isn’t sound
We blindly put our trust in them
And BP let us down
The next time you need gasoline
I think you’ll understand
It’s highly recommended
You buy a different brand
Steven Pein
4 June 2010
Poison-free indoor pesticide that won't hurt your pets

I didn't intend to endorse a commercial product on my blog, but some friends have complained about ant problems (San Diego is a giant ant hill) and said they hate using pesticides with their pets around. Well, if you have the same concerns, let me recommend a fantastic product. Victor® Poison-Free® Ant & Roach Killer is an aerosol pesticide whose active ingredient is mint oil. I buy this stuff in boxes of 6 cans directly from the manufacturer, Safer®Brand, in Lititz, Pennsylvania. (They are also known as Victor Pest Control, a division of Woodstream.) Its product number is M601 and it's really inexpensive. You can find them online at, or you can reach them at their toll-free number (800) 800-1819.
I hope this is helpful to you if you're a "poison hater" like me.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Do you know why Israel is so tough?
If you're wondering why Israel is so tough, it's really quite simple. Perhaps this verse will explain it.
One Tough Nation
Don’t make war on Israel
God won’t let them lose
Second to the Christians
God so loves His Jews
All the land was Britain’s
Right through World War II
Then the United Nations
Gave Israel to the Jews
When they took it over
They turned desert sand
Back into Utopia
Once more God's Promised Land
Steven Pein
2 June 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Clearly the end is near. You might just want to get yourself squared away with God while there's still time. In case you don't know exactly what to do, I've written this verse to help you out.
It’s just like Revelation
The Bible’s coming true
You know the world is ending
And you don’t know what to do
You think it’s time for packing
But you don’t know where to start
You’d better seek forgiveness
And let God back in your heart
Forget about your golf clubs
Your iPod and DVD’s
It’s best that you start praying
So drop down on your knees
If you awake tomorrow
Consider yourself blessed
You’d better start atoning
Get ready for God’s last test
When it’s time for judgment
Nothing is concealed
When you look in God’s eyes
Your sins are all revealed
It’s time to love your neighbor
It’s time to do good deeds
In order to reap salvation
You’d better sow some seeds
For Doomsday’s surely coming
And you don’t want to be
Hanging around with Satan
For all eternity
Steven Pein
23 May 2010
Copyright © 2010
It’s just like Revelation
The Bible’s coming true
You know the world is ending
And you don’t know what to do
You think it’s time for packing
But you don’t know where to start
You’d better seek forgiveness
And let God back in your heart
Forget about your golf clubs
Your iPod and DVD’s
It’s best that you start praying
So drop down on your knees
If you awake tomorrow
Consider yourself blessed
You’d better start atoning
Get ready for God’s last test
When it’s time for judgment
Nothing is concealed
When you look in God’s eyes
Your sins are all revealed
It’s time to love your neighbor
It’s time to do good deeds
In order to reap salvation
You’d better sow some seeds
For Doomsday’s surely coming
And you don’t want to be
Hanging around with Satan
For all eternity
Steven Pein
23 May 2010
Copyright © 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A vast right wing conspiracy
Remember the Monica Lewinsky days when the Clintons kept blaming everything on a vast right wing conspiracy? Well, it got me to thinking and I decided to capture it in verse.
Full Circle
A vast right wing conspiracy
Once reached out in the night
And tried to bring Bill Clinton down
With all its right wing might
The left would have no part of it
They knew it was a mess
To keep themselves unbloodied
They fought back with the press
And Monica Lewinsky
Got ambushed by reporters
And didn’t have the sense to know
Her friends used tape recorders
Some Congressmen were outraged
That Bill had told some lies
But they were all Republicans
The Dems just let it slide
And Bill somehow remained unharmed
Despite the things he did
Once again he proved to all
He was the comeback kid
The funny thing about it all
Is how it all turned out
Republicans took back control
They threw the Dems all out
The Clintons moved to New York State
And Hillary aspired
To win the seat left vacant
When Moynahan retired
And then when Bush was finished
The Clintons got new life
But this time Bill just stepped aside
And left things to his wife
Though Hillary’s not President
She’s really done quite well
And maybe she will get there yet
Only time will tell
And things will come full circle
Just like they always say
And anything is possible
Here in the U.S.A.
Steven Pein
20 May 2010
Copyright © 2010
Full Circle
A vast right wing conspiracy
Once reached out in the night
And tried to bring Bill Clinton down
With all its right wing might
The left would have no part of it
They knew it was a mess
To keep themselves unbloodied
They fought back with the press
And Monica Lewinsky
Got ambushed by reporters
And didn’t have the sense to know
Her friends used tape recorders
Some Congressmen were outraged
That Bill had told some lies
But they were all Republicans
The Dems just let it slide
And Bill somehow remained unharmed
Despite the things he did
Once again he proved to all
He was the comeback kid
The funny thing about it all
Is how it all turned out
Republicans took back control
They threw the Dems all out
The Clintons moved to New York State
And Hillary aspired
To win the seat left vacant
When Moynahan retired
And then when Bush was finished
The Clintons got new life
But this time Bill just stepped aside
And left things to his wife
Though Hillary’s not President
She’s really done quite well
And maybe she will get there yet
Only time will tell
And things will come full circle
Just like they always say
And anything is possible
Here in the U.S.A.
Steven Pein
20 May 2010
Copyright © 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Beggar
There are so many homeless people in San Diego that you see them practically everywhere you go. The Beggar is a poem that came to me without warning. When I finished it, I recited it to Janice (my ever faithful critic). As I spoke the last words, I realized that tears had filled my eyes. Janice was touched, and so was I. I hope you enjoy it.
The Beggar
The beggar roamed the streets each day
In search of warmth and food
With little hope of overcoming
Fear and solitude
He faced the world as most could not
His failures all revealed
Never knowing what tomorrow’s
Scavenging might yield
“Why has God forsaken me?”
He questioned every night
“I’ve not done a single deed
Deserving such a plight”
He had served his country
And was injured in the fray
The doctors took the bullets
But the pain remained each day
Nothing now made sense to him
He lived with such confusion
When he begged he knew that people
Cringed at his intrusions
Then he fell asleep one night
When all his hopes were drained
And Jesus reached into his dreams
And took away his pain
Cautiously he then awoke
Not sure he could believe
But to his meek astonishment
His pain was now relieved
With newly felt encouragement
And body feeling strange
He stood and looked around him
But everything had changed
Everything his eyes took in
Brought overwhelming bliss
Nothing that he ever dreamed
Had ever felt like this
Suddenly his heart stood still
It came to him just then
He was free of earthly things
He’d never beg again
Steven Pein
10 May 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Creating Wealth from Thin Air
Well, maybe the title is misleading, but there are a few things that recent retirees can do to assure they’ll have enough money to live out their lives. Inflation is not a current reality, but it is a future certainty. The problem is that inflation will destroy wealth. In retirement, you should seek to keep up with inflation while avoiding unnecessary risk.
So what should you do? (And what shouldn’t you do?)
I’ve put together a compilation of tips that I believe will help you manage and enjoy your retirement. They’re derived from a combination of life experience, financial publications, economics studies, and some fun research that I’ve done over the last year as I approached my own retirement. The stuff won’t suit everyone, but it will hopefully assist you and lead you to your own explorations and creative ideas. There’s no magic “one size fits all” plan for retirement. The goal is to have lots of fun and make it last as long as you possibly can.
Buy gold?
Don’t fall into the trap of conventional wisdom on this topic. Gold is commonly referred to as a safe haven; a place to park your money as a hedge against inflation. There’s one big problem – when inflation was at one of its worst times, gold went from $800 to less than $300 per ounce. Because gold is traded as a commodity, it’s no longer tied to the dollar or any other meaningful currency. Gold is simply a metal whose price is driven by supply and demand. You can’t eat gold, heat a house with it, or fertilize a crop with it. Actually, pretty much all you can do with it commercially is make jewelry and some electronic components. If you wanted a real safe haven, you’d probably want to hoard non-perishable meals. (A meal is a meal no matter what economic conditions may be. That’s what stable value means.)
Pay off the house?
Whoa! That may make you feel good, but it’s not a smart thing to do if you think inflation is coming. Keep the money. Keep the mortgage. Your mortgage payment remains unchanged for the life of the loan. (And you may be able to write off the interest and taxes to boot.) It’s always better to have the money if you think you’ll be able to earn much more in interest than the interest rate you’re paying on the mortgage. Simply stated, if you have a 5% fixed rate mortgage, keep it.
Ladder your CDs?
Maybe. It’s often a good idea. But if those CDs are traditional or rollover IRAs , you may just want to go long term on all of them. A little known fact (even your banker may not know it) is that most IRA CDs have absolutely no early withdrawal interest penalties once you reach initial distribution age. And we’re talking 59½, not 70½ years old. 70½ is the mandatory distribution age, and many bankers erroneously think that this is the “no interest penalty” threshold. Not so; the threshold is usually 59½. If it’s not that way at your bank, buy an IRA CD at a different bank next renewal period, and take advantage of the higher long term rate. If rates go up, you can pull the money with no penalty and roll it over to a higher rate long term CD at another institution.
Try to live off of interest without drawing down the principal.
Try to make a budget that enables you to preserve principal on your investments. If you have a mix of taxable CDs and tax deferred CDs (IRAs), you’ll be way ahead of the game if you can manage to live off interest only from the taxables and let the interest compound on the IRAs until you reach the mandatory distribution age of 70½. This provides a safety net helping to hedge against future inflation. In short, you’d be living on your Social Security and taxable interest while your tax deferred investments continue to increase your net worth, thus providing the hedge.
No stocks!
I don’t recommend bonds either, but there is absolutely no sense taking risk if you can live adequately without it. In my opinion, FDIC insured CDs provide the best way to retire. And if you ladder your taxable CDs, you’ll always have accessible cash on the near horizon for unforeseen expenses without having to take early withdrawal penalties. Bonds are great compared to stocks, but they’re commodities that fluctuate in value. That means they can go down in actual value even though they may pay steady amounts of income. If you feel that bonds are a must, try and stick with U.S. Government issues. Any corporate bond can go bust, and insured bonds are only as secure as their insurer. (Remember that AIG went belly up.)
Adjust your budget every year.
Baby steps are easy to take. They’re relatively painless. Simply stated, you don’t notice the change from eating out once a week to eating out 4 times a month. And once you realize how painless this is, you might even want to refrain from expanding your budget at times when available cash increases from year to year. (It’s always nice to watch your net worth increase – life’s unexpected twists occur more frequently as you get older.)
Sell the RV, the boat, and other big ticket toys.
They simply do not make sense as you get older. If you want to go on an RV vacation once a year, then consider renting the RV. If you’re only going to use a large ticket item infrequently, renting is always preferable. If the budget gets tight, rent fewer times. (If you own something, you can’t escape the maintenance expenses, even if you don’t use it. And as you get older, you’ll use it less and less.)
Stop skiing and motorcycling.
Old bones heal too slowly. Your biggest risks in retirement are medical costs, both direct and indirect. The direct costs are deductibles, limits and copays. The indirect costs are suspension of the activities you enjoy, the inconvenience, and the unhealthiness of immobility.
Order water instead of alcohol in restaurants.
Consume alcoholic beverages only at home. Going out to eat is fun. For most people, that $3.50 beer or $5.00 mixed drink doesn’t double the fun, but it does double the average restaurant check. If you can eat out for half the cost, you can eat out twice as often. Take your choice. And also note that restaurants charge high prices for desserts. Again, it’s your choice.
Find a cash-generating hobby.
If you are artistic and innovative, you can spend many enjoyable hours creating nifty works of art. Decorative novelties that are “cute” have a special quality – they sell. The venue can be swap meets, e-Bay, consignment shops, or yard sales. Just for kicks, do a Google Images search for “steampunk”. Pretty cool, huh? Or consider garden decorations such as a gimmicky looking bird bath made of an old hose valve, copper elbows, and scrap pieces of pipe (or a cut-up broom handle) “pouring” into an old cracked ceramic bowl. If it’s really unusual and it’s cute, someone wants to buy it. If it’s adorable, everyone wants to buy it. Labor is irrelevant because it’s a hobby. Material cost is negligible – used and broken stuff is cool. Need more parts? Just make them out of plaster or Styrofoam. This is fun stuff! Make goofy figurines out of coat hangers and clay. Paint them. Have a ball! If it entertains you, makes for a great day’s fun, and then fetches $15, you’re a winner. (Go buy $5 worth of additional supplies and treat yourself to two combo meals at the local fast food joint.) And if nobody wants to buy what you made, it’s no big deal. You had some fun, didn’t you?
(I included this activity because it adds the most to your true net worth in life.) Once a week, try doing volunteer work at a local convalescent home, hospital, or shelter. Do something that puts you directly into contact with less fortunate people who need and appreciate your time. I know that you’ll get far more pleasure from this than almost any of your other retirement activities. Your charity gives others faith and hope. It doesn’t get any better than this, folks. It’s the true meaning of life, and it’s everyone’s calling. You get to have wonderful, warm relationships with people who are grateful, and it doesn’t cost you a dime.
Done! Now go and enjoy your retirement.
Steven Pein
Copyright © 2010
So what should you do? (And what shouldn’t you do?)
I’ve put together a compilation of tips that I believe will help you manage and enjoy your retirement. They’re derived from a combination of life experience, financial publications, economics studies, and some fun research that I’ve done over the last year as I approached my own retirement. The stuff won’t suit everyone, but it will hopefully assist you and lead you to your own explorations and creative ideas. There’s no magic “one size fits all” plan for retirement. The goal is to have lots of fun and make it last as long as you possibly can.
Buy gold?
Don’t fall into the trap of conventional wisdom on this topic. Gold is commonly referred to as a safe haven; a place to park your money as a hedge against inflation. There’s one big problem – when inflation was at one of its worst times, gold went from $800 to less than $300 per ounce. Because gold is traded as a commodity, it’s no longer tied to the dollar or any other meaningful currency. Gold is simply a metal whose price is driven by supply and demand. You can’t eat gold, heat a house with it, or fertilize a crop with it. Actually, pretty much all you can do with it commercially is make jewelry and some electronic components. If you wanted a real safe haven, you’d probably want to hoard non-perishable meals. (A meal is a meal no matter what economic conditions may be. That’s what stable value means.)
Pay off the house?
Whoa! That may make you feel good, but it’s not a smart thing to do if you think inflation is coming. Keep the money. Keep the mortgage. Your mortgage payment remains unchanged for the life of the loan. (And you may be able to write off the interest and taxes to boot.) It’s always better to have the money if you think you’ll be able to earn much more in interest than the interest rate you’re paying on the mortgage. Simply stated, if you have a 5% fixed rate mortgage, keep it.
Ladder your CDs?
Maybe. It’s often a good idea. But if those CDs are traditional or rollover IRAs , you may just want to go long term on all of them. A little known fact (even your banker may not know it) is that most IRA CDs have absolutely no early withdrawal interest penalties once you reach initial distribution age. And we’re talking 59½, not 70½ years old. 70½ is the mandatory distribution age, and many bankers erroneously think that this is the “no interest penalty” threshold. Not so; the threshold is usually 59½. If it’s not that way at your bank, buy an IRA CD at a different bank next renewal period, and take advantage of the higher long term rate. If rates go up, you can pull the money with no penalty and roll it over to a higher rate long term CD at another institution.
Try to live off of interest without drawing down the principal.
Try to make a budget that enables you to preserve principal on your investments. If you have a mix of taxable CDs and tax deferred CDs (IRAs), you’ll be way ahead of the game if you can manage to live off interest only from the taxables and let the interest compound on the IRAs until you reach the mandatory distribution age of 70½. This provides a safety net helping to hedge against future inflation. In short, you’d be living on your Social Security and taxable interest while your tax deferred investments continue to increase your net worth, thus providing the hedge.
No stocks!
I don’t recommend bonds either, but there is absolutely no sense taking risk if you can live adequately without it. In my opinion, FDIC insured CDs provide the best way to retire. And if you ladder your taxable CDs, you’ll always have accessible cash on the near horizon for unforeseen expenses without having to take early withdrawal penalties. Bonds are great compared to stocks, but they’re commodities that fluctuate in value. That means they can go down in actual value even though they may pay steady amounts of income. If you feel that bonds are a must, try and stick with U.S. Government issues. Any corporate bond can go bust, and insured bonds are only as secure as their insurer. (Remember that AIG went belly up.)
Adjust your budget every year.
Baby steps are easy to take. They’re relatively painless. Simply stated, you don’t notice the change from eating out once a week to eating out 4 times a month. And once you realize how painless this is, you might even want to refrain from expanding your budget at times when available cash increases from year to year. (It’s always nice to watch your net worth increase – life’s unexpected twists occur more frequently as you get older.)
Sell the RV, the boat, and other big ticket toys.
They simply do not make sense as you get older. If you want to go on an RV vacation once a year, then consider renting the RV. If you’re only going to use a large ticket item infrequently, renting is always preferable. If the budget gets tight, rent fewer times. (If you own something, you can’t escape the maintenance expenses, even if you don’t use it. And as you get older, you’ll use it less and less.)
Stop skiing and motorcycling.
Old bones heal too slowly. Your biggest risks in retirement are medical costs, both direct and indirect. The direct costs are deductibles, limits and copays. The indirect costs are suspension of the activities you enjoy, the inconvenience, and the unhealthiness of immobility.
Order water instead of alcohol in restaurants.
Consume alcoholic beverages only at home. Going out to eat is fun. For most people, that $3.50 beer or $5.00 mixed drink doesn’t double the fun, but it does double the average restaurant check. If you can eat out for half the cost, you can eat out twice as often. Take your choice. And also note that restaurants charge high prices for desserts. Again, it’s your choice.
Find a cash-generating hobby.
If you are artistic and innovative, you can spend many enjoyable hours creating nifty works of art. Decorative novelties that are “cute” have a special quality – they sell. The venue can be swap meets, e-Bay, consignment shops, or yard sales. Just for kicks, do a Google Images search for “steampunk”. Pretty cool, huh? Or consider garden decorations such as a gimmicky looking bird bath made of an old hose valve, copper elbows, and scrap pieces of pipe (or a cut-up broom handle) “pouring” into an old cracked ceramic bowl. If it’s really unusual and it’s cute, someone wants to buy it. If it’s adorable, everyone wants to buy it. Labor is irrelevant because it’s a hobby. Material cost is negligible – used and broken stuff is cool. Need more parts? Just make them out of plaster or Styrofoam. This is fun stuff! Make goofy figurines out of coat hangers and clay. Paint them. Have a ball! If it entertains you, makes for a great day’s fun, and then fetches $15, you’re a winner. (Go buy $5 worth of additional supplies and treat yourself to two combo meals at the local fast food joint.) And if nobody wants to buy what you made, it’s no big deal. You had some fun, didn’t you?
(I included this activity because it adds the most to your true net worth in life.) Once a week, try doing volunteer work at a local convalescent home, hospital, or shelter. Do something that puts you directly into contact with less fortunate people who need and appreciate your time. I know that you’ll get far more pleasure from this than almost any of your other retirement activities. Your charity gives others faith and hope. It doesn’t get any better than this, folks. It’s the true meaning of life, and it’s everyone’s calling. You get to have wonderful, warm relationships with people who are grateful, and it doesn’t cost you a dime.
Done! Now go and enjoy your retirement.
Steven Pein
Copyright © 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Maxie goes to Coronado
Maxie smiled as he walked the beach of Coronado. He had requested a dog vacation for some time, but his wishes were largely ignored until this beautiful day arrived in early May. With his pal Janice by his side, he proudly pranced through the wet sand taking in the fresh morning air. Out in the ocean, Maxie saw a Navy Destroyer cruising out from the harbor on its way to some exotic Pacific adventure, but Maxie ignored it as he turned his attention to the beach around him. "Life is good", he thought to himself.
Friday, April 23, 2010
My signed copy of Bold Fresh
The moment has finally arrived.
I just received my signed copy of Bill O'Reilly's A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity; my reward for submitting a limerick that Bill O'Reilly read aloud on his program The O'Reilly Factor on 30 March 2010. The book may end up damaged some day, so I took the precaution of capturing the image digitally to preserve it for eternity. I will treasure it forever.
I began my quest to win a signed copy of the book back in late 2009. Bill reads what he identifies as "pithy" e-mails at the end of his show. Periodically he concludes the segment by posting and reading a cute limerick, and awarding a signed copy of his book to the poet. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, I finally decided to write a limerick called Pithy and I submitted it on 4 March 2010. I hit pay dirt on 30 March 2010 when he ended his program with this piece:
The Factor keeps me in the know,
Helping my knowledge to grow,
When facts need exploring,
Bill’s never too boring,
His pithiness pleases me so.
I began my quest to win a signed copy of the book back in late 2009. Bill reads what he identifies as "pithy" e-mails at the end of his show. Periodically he concludes the segment by posting and reading a cute limerick, and awarding a signed copy of his book to the poet. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, I finally decided to write a limerick called Pithy and I submitted it on 4 March 2010. I hit pay dirt on 30 March 2010 when he ended his program with this piece:
The Factor keeps me in the know,
Helping my knowledge to grow,
When facts need exploring,
Bill’s never too boring,
His pithiness pleases me so.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Poetic License
I was explaining to someone that poetic license allows us to manipulate words and phrases to tell a story in rhyme. After saying the expression "poetic license" a few more times, it began to sound strange, and it suddenly took on a whole new comical meaning to me. So I sat down and wrote Poetic License in a mixed-meter verse to capture the comical twist.
Poetic License
I wrote one too many
Poems in my time
And stretched all the writing rules
Too far to make things rhyme
I pushed on the envelope
A bit too far until it broke
Now they’re here just to revoke…my poetic license
I thought writing lots of stuff
Would be so darn terrific
So I really worked so hard
To make myself prolific
I wrote by night, I wrote by day
I wrote in places I can’t say
Now they want to take away…my poetic license
Now that I am getting old
All that’s left for me
Is publishing my poems
To create my legacy
Please don’t toss me in the heap
It’s a price that’s way too steep
So I beg you, let me keep…my poetic license
Steven Pein
22 April 2010
Poetic License
I wrote one too many
Poems in my time
And stretched all the writing rules
Too far to make things rhyme
I pushed on the envelope
A bit too far until it broke
Now they’re here just to revoke…my poetic license
I thought writing lots of stuff
Would be so darn terrific
So I really worked so hard
To make myself prolific
I wrote by night, I wrote by day
I wrote in places I can’t say
Now they want to take away…my poetic license
Now that I am getting old
All that’s left for me
Is publishing my poems
To create my legacy
Please don’t toss me in the heap
It’s a price that’s way too steep
So I beg you, let me keep…my poetic license
Steven Pein
22 April 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Fried Chicken
I just want to make it clear that people need to eat right to stay healthy. There are so many different diets around that it's mind boggling to sort out which ones are better for you. So I have come to the aid of you poor folks struggling to stay healthy. It's really quite simple.
Fried Chicken
When God created people-food
He didn’t get it right
It took five thousand more years
But He finally saw the light
We only need fried chicken
We can eat it day and night
There’s many ways to fix it
But the Colonel got it right
KFC must surely have
The blessing of our Lord
Eleven herbs and spices
Is the recipe that scored
Roasted, broasted, even grilled
Were all put to the test
All were pretty good attempts
But the Colonel scored the best
No way can plain beef compete
Or lamb, or duck, or veal
KFC’s fried chicken
Is the only righteous meal
Variety’s not good for us
That’s just a bunch of lies
If you want to mix it up
Just order up some fries
Don’t you worry about your weight
Fried chicken keeps you thin
So eat up every bit of it
And don’t forget the skin
I could go forever
With this piece of poetry
But I think I’ll end it now
And run to KFC
Steven Pein
20 April 2010
Fried Chicken
When God created people-food
He didn’t get it right
It took five thousand more years
But He finally saw the light
We only need fried chicken
We can eat it day and night
There’s many ways to fix it
But the Colonel got it right
KFC must surely have
The blessing of our Lord
Eleven herbs and spices
Is the recipe that scored
Roasted, broasted, even grilled
Were all put to the test
All were pretty good attempts
But the Colonel scored the best
No way can plain beef compete
Or lamb, or duck, or veal
KFC’s fried chicken
Is the only righteous meal
Variety’s not good for us
That’s just a bunch of lies
If you want to mix it up
Just order up some fries
Don’t you worry about your weight
Fried chicken keeps you thin
So eat up every bit of it
And don’t forget the skin
I could go forever
With this piece of poetry
But I think I’ll end it now
And run to KFC
Steven Pein
20 April 2010
Our Garden
Every day we sit and watch the birds in our garden and it is absolutely awesome. We are constantly tending to the feeders and birdbaths, and each day we look forward to seeing a new clutch of babies being trained by their mothers (and sometimes their fathers as well) to fend for themselves. Today, Janice was watching me compose a few other poems, and she challenged me to write one about our birds. So I wrote Our Garden as a special request. I hope you enjoy it.
Our Garden
Our garden is a paradise
Where many birds are found
There’s food and drink abundant
And birdbaths all around
We sit and watch for hours
As parents feed their young
While all their sounds are chirped
And all their songs are sung
Hummingbirds and Sparrows
Finches, Doves and Crows
Orioles and Blue Jays
And others, Heaven knows
To simply sit and watch them
As cheerfully they play
Is such a special gift from God
A precious gift each day
Steven Pein
20 April 2010
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