Thursday, April 22, 2010

Poetic License

I was explaining to someone that poetic license allows us to manipulate words and phrases to tell a story in rhyme. After saying the expression "poetic license" a few more times, it began to sound strange, and it suddenly took on a whole new comical meaning to me. So I sat down and wrote Poetic License in a mixed-meter verse to capture the comical twist.

Poetic License

I wrote one too many
Poems in my time
And stretched all the writing rules
Too far to make things rhyme

I pushed on the envelope
A bit too far until it broke
Now they’re here just to revoke…my poetic license

I thought writing lots of stuff
Would be so darn terrific
So I really worked so hard
To make myself prolific

I wrote by night, I wrote by day
I wrote in places I can’t say
Now they want to take away…my poetic license

Now that I am getting old
All that’s left for me
Is publishing my poems
To create my legacy

Please don’t toss me in the heap
It’s a price that’s way too steep
So I beg you, let me keep…my poetic license

Steven Pein
22 April 2010

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