Friday, June 4, 2010

The BP Blues

I threw this verse together in an effort to summarize the Gulf tragedy that's unfolding. I wanted to express my outrage with a bit of poetic dark humor.

Louisiana, we feel your pain.

The BP Blues

Holy mackerel, what a mess
The Gulf is turning gray
A million gallons of crude
Is spewing out each day

Everything that BP tries
Quickly turns to shit
All this oils’s killing us
Please, God, make it quit

Pity all the fishermen
Their fishing spots are few
The wildlife is dying
And coastal towns are too

And BP says they’re sorry
On TV spots each night
They tell us not to worry
And assure they’ll make things right

It’s best not to believe BP
Their record isn’t sound
We blindly put our trust in them
And BP let us down

The next time you need gasoline
I think you’ll understand
It’s highly recommended
You buy a different brand

Steven Pein
4 June 2010

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