Thursday, June 10, 2010

Food Precautions

You can't be too careful. For those of you planning some outings this summer, I've compiled some advice about the foods you should avoid. I hope it's helpful.

Food Precautions

Never eat the burgers at the zoo
They may prove to be the end of you
A hot dog or some fries
Would really be quite wise
But greasy burgers certainly won’t do

Never eat the sausage at the fair
You’ll be seeking bathrooms everywhere
Cotton candy’s fine
Eat it any time
But sausage causes way too much despair

Never eat the fish at Taco Bell
It may leave you feeling not so well
You can pack away
Beef and beans all day
But fish will make your stomach feel like Hell

Never eat the nuggets at the game
You’ll get sick and never be the same
Peanuts are okay
At least that’s what they say
But nuggets have been known to cause ptomaine

Steven Pein
10 June 2010

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