Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Ballad of L-3

This is in appreciation of Michael Strianese, President and CEO of L-3 Communications.

The Ballad of L-3

Here’s to Michael Strianese
A hero through and through
For things he has accomplished
That no one else could do

In making acquisitions
Michael’s been so smart
His masterful “due diligence”
He’s honed into an art

Lanza was a legend
Whose shoes were hard to fill
Replacing Frank took quite the man
And Michael filled the bill

For future acquisitions
He searches everywhere
And hopefully the stock will reach
Two hundred bucks a share

The Board is filled with confidence
So go do as you please
They know they can depend upon
Their Michael Strianese

Steven Pein
5 June 2010
Copyright © 2010

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