Thursday, May 20, 2010

A vast right wing conspiracy

Remember the Monica Lewinsky days when the Clintons kept blaming everything on a vast right wing conspiracy? Well, it got me to thinking and I decided to capture it in verse.

Full Circle

A vast right wing conspiracy
Once reached out in the night
And tried to bring Bill Clinton down
With all its right wing might

The left would have no part of it
They knew it was a mess
To keep themselves unbloodied
They fought back with the press

And Monica Lewinsky
Got ambushed by reporters
And didn’t have the sense to know
Her friends used tape recorders

Some Congressmen were outraged
That Bill had told some lies
But they were all Republicans
The Dems just let it slide

And Bill somehow remained unharmed
Despite the things he did
Once again he proved to all
He was the comeback kid

The funny thing about it all
Is how it all turned out
Republicans took back control
They threw the Dems all out

The Clintons moved to New York State
And Hillary aspired
To win the seat left vacant
When Moynahan retired

And then when Bush was finished
The Clintons got new life
But this time Bill just stepped aside
And left things to his wife

Though Hillary’s not President
She’s really done quite well
And maybe she will get there yet
Only time will tell

And things will come full circle
Just like they always say
And anything is possible
Here in the U.S.A.

Steven Pein
20 May 2010
Copyright © 2010

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