Sunday, May 23, 2010


Clearly the end is near. You might just want to get yourself squared away with God while there's still time. In case you don't know exactly what to do, I've written this verse to help you out.


It’s just like Revelation
The Bible’s coming true
You know the world is ending
And you don’t know what to do

You think it’s time for packing
But you don’t know where to start
You’d better seek forgiveness
And let God back in your heart

Forget about your golf clubs
Your iPod and DVD’s
It’s best that you start praying
So drop down on your knees

If you awake tomorrow
Consider yourself blessed
You’d better start atoning
Get ready for God’s last test

When it’s time for judgment
Nothing is concealed
When you look in God’s eyes
Your sins are all revealed

It’s time to love your neighbor
It’s time to do good deeds
In order to reap salvation
You’d better sow some seeds

For Doomsday’s surely coming
And you don’t want to be
Hanging around with Satan
For all eternity

Steven Pein
23 May 2010
Copyright © 2010

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