Friday, April 23, 2010

My signed copy of Bold Fresh

The moment has finally arrived.

I just received my signed copy of Bill O'Reilly's A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity; my reward for submitting a limerick that Bill O'Reilly read aloud on his program The O'Reilly Factor on 30 March 2010. The book may end up damaged some day, so I took the precaution of capturing the image digitally to preserve it for eternity. I will treasure it forever.

I began my quest to win a signed copy of the book back in late 2009. Bill reads what he identifies as "pithy" e-mails at the end of his show. Periodically he concludes the segment by posting and reading a cute limerick, and awarding a signed copy of his book to the poet. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, I finally decided to write a limerick called Pithy and I submitted it on 4 March 2010. I hit pay dirt on 30 March 2010 when he ended his program with this piece:


The Factor keeps me in the know,
Helping my knowledge to grow,
When facts need exploring,
Bill’s never too boring,
His pithiness pleases me so.


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