Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fried Chicken

I just want to make it clear that people need to eat right to stay healthy. There are so many different diets around that it's mind boggling to sort out which ones are better for you. So I have come to the aid of you poor folks struggling to stay healthy. It's really quite simple.

Fried Chicken

When God created people-food
He didn’t get it right
It took five thousand more years
But He finally saw the light

We only need fried chicken
We can eat it day and night
There’s many ways to fix it
But the Colonel got it right

KFC must surely have
The blessing of our Lord
Eleven herbs and spices
Is the recipe that scored

Roasted, broasted, even grilled
Were all put to the test
All were pretty good attempts
But the Colonel scored the best

No way can plain beef compete
Or lamb, or duck, or veal
KFC’s fried chicken
Is the only righteous meal

Variety’s not good for us
That’s just a bunch of lies
If you want to mix it up
Just order up some fries

Don’t you worry about your weight
Fried chicken keeps you thin
So eat up every bit of it
And don’t forget the skin

I could go forever
With this piece of poetry
But I think I’ll end it now
And run to KFC

Steven Pein
20 April 2010

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