Thursday, April 1, 2010

The America I Love

I wrote The America I Love this morning to express the resentment I feel as politicians presume to know more than we know about what we want and need. This is a protest and a call to take back our great country.

The America I Love

Don’t tell me to shut my mouth
To stop from being heard
Don’t tell me that you know best
And tell me I’m absurd

Don’t tell me what I can do
And what I’m not allowed
Don’t tell me my gatherings
Are terrifying crowds

Don’t tell me to trust you
To take care of my needs
Then proceed to sell me out
With all your thoughtless deeds

Don’t tell me I’ll be all right
If I take your direction
‘Cause you don’t care for anything
Beyond your re-election

Give me back my country
Give me back my space
Give me back control because
America’s my place

My place to live in freedom
My place to make my stand
My place to say what’s on my mind
My place to own some land

My place that welcomes new ideas
My place to earn a buck
My place where folks lend helping hands
To folks down on their luck

My place to take a risk or two
My place to speak my view
My place where rule of law exists
My place where dreams come true

My place to hold my head up high
Where so much is allowed
America above all else
My place to feel so proud

Steven Pein
1 April 2010

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