Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Very Lucky Pop-Pop

When I was getting ready to move back to San Diego after my bitter divorce, I was upset about the prospect of not seeing my step-grandchildren again. I wrote A Very Lucky Pop-Pop for the four of them; Donald, Brandon, Tyler, and Jessica. Sadly, we haven't had contact since, but I keep hoping they'll eventually seek me out.

A Very Lucky Pop-Pop

I’m a very lucky Pop-Pop
And I know it’s really true
And I thank God for giving me
Four grandkids such as you

I’ll be living far from you
And I am sad to say
It means that I can’t have my wish
To see you every day

But you can come and visit me
When your folks say you can
And just the thought of seeing you
Makes me a happy man

There’s e-mail, phones and chat rooms
That can keep us all together
And please know that I’m there for you
And I’ll be there forever

The hardest part of moving
For me it’s sad but true
Is I’ll be on the west coast
And not right there with you

If you’re feeling lonely
Or problems make you blue
Please just stop and call me
And I’ll be there for you

Pop-Pop loves you always
And know as I depart
I will carry thoughts of you
Forever in my heart

Pop-Pop Pein
28 July 2004

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