Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Founding Fathers

Did you ever wonder what the Founding Fathers might think if they could see what direction we have taken? They were men of faith, hope, and charity, and they envisioned a totally different path. But they knew all about tyranny and they did everything in their power to frame a nation that would be resistant to the tyrants. I wrote Founding Fathers in an attempt to capture the sadness they might feel "if they were alive today".

Founding Fathers

If Washington came back today
And took a look around
I know he’s be disheartened
By all the things he found

And Franklin too would grieve to see
How much we’d failed the test
And lost our precious freedoms
In the country God had blessed

Jefferson would view it all
And think back to his days
For he had tried to warn us
Of tyrants’ crafty ways

Paul Revere would see our plight
And think of how we fought
And wonder why so many lives
Were sacrificed for naught

Tyrants stole our freedom
But we can’t pass the blame
We who have allowed it
Should hang our heads in shame

Steven Pein
20 April 2010

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