Monday, April 19, 2010

American Dream

This poem just popped out of my head today while I was thinking about what a nightmare the Obama administration has been. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

American Dream

Please tone down your rhetoric
Take it down a peg
And don’t tell us it’s raining
When you’re peeing on our leg

Your arrogance amazes us
Consider yourself warned
There’s no crowd that’s angrier
Than voters who’ve been scorned

Take a tip from history
That we won’t go away
Until you start to listen
To what we have to say

You’ve lied once too often
And made the voters scream
And you just woke us up
From our American dream

Don’t take us too lightly
It wouldn’t serve you well
You are not invincible
There’s bigger men that fell

Take a moment to reflect
On what it is you’re doing
‘Cause things much less offensive
Have led things into ruin

Steven Pein
19 April 2010

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