Saturday, March 13, 2010

Crypto-One...Be Careful what you wish for.

Poetry even played a role in "Crypto-One", the companion novel to "The Six". This is a novel that ties to "The Six" and really explains where, why, and how the reincarnations (see my earlier post about "The Six") happened. The title refers to to the lead cryptographer in a team that is trying to discover the key to break a code for symbols they find in an astonishing place. In fact, it holds the key to existence as we know it, and the truth is so troubling that a previously unknown person back in 1968 discovered it and then concealed it. The poem is actually something the cryptographer found scribbled on a hidden piece of paper during his quest to break the code, and it troubled him greatly...


Codebreakers, codebreakers, try to conceive,
Of answers so simple they’re hard to believe,
I struggled for years in my home by the sea,
Just trying to figure what code this could be.

I cracked it at last but it soon haunted me,
I wish I had never discovered the key,
For you can’t imagine my sadness unless,
Your efforts also are met with success.

I warn you it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie,
But if you’re compelled to still give it a try,
I’ll give you a clue that will help you succeed,
Solutions are found very simply indeed.

Jonathan Hartford, III
July 1968

Steven Pein
Copyright 1995

So what do you think Jonathan found out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You MUST finish the second book. I lack the creativity and vision that you have locked away in your mind for Crypto-One. I hope you can find some time to unleash your prolific writing talent again soon to work on it!

- Mike