Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting Old

Today I was thinking about my upcoming appointment to sign up for Medicare and Social Security. My thoughts turned to old age and this just popped into my mind.


Getting old ain’t fun my friend
It’s full of aches and pains
You struggle more each passing year
As losses trump the gains

And just a walk around the block
Can be so tough a chore
You sometimes reconsider
As you’re walking out the door

It’s even hard to drive your car
And not get in a wreck
You turn your head to look around
And pains shoot through your neck

You try to change one light bulb
And it hurts your lower back
For two bulbs just forget it
You’ll risk a heart attack

Those restaurants have early birds
But that’s a load of crap
‘Cause every time your belly’s full
You need to take a nap

And every time you turn around
Another problem hits
Don’t try no new foods my friend
You’ll wind up with the shits

But old age has one good point
Unless I got it wrong
The one good thing about it
Is it doesn’t last that long

Steven Pein
22 March 2010

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