Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No place in the World for You

No Place in The World for You was written in April 1969. As I resurrect these old poems, I almost can't believe what downers they were. Strangely, this one just happens to have been written at the same time I started going out with my first wife.

No Place in the World for You

There’s flowers growing all around you
The sky reflects in the waters so blue
You know you should be happy just to see it all there
But somehow you just don’t care
You’re thinking perhaps it’s true
That there’s no place in the world for you

The man beside you on the assembly line
Does the same job as you only he feels fine
While you can’t think of a reason to smile
And you’re seeking revenge on the world all the while
And you think it may be true
That there’s no place in the world for you

You see those youngsters, they’re as old as you
They say “here, have a pill” so you take a few
But you put them in your pocket and there they will stay
‘Cause you’re scared of what your society would say
You wonder if it could be true
That there’s no place in the world for you

You turn on the radio and listen to the man
He’s using words you just don’t understand
You need someone to explain but you know it’s so
You’d rather die than admit there’s something you don’t know
You hope it isn’t true
That there’s no place in the world for you

You live day by day and you set your own pace
But the kid next door says you’re just taking up space
You ask “what do you know?” and you shake your head
But looking back at him you wish you were dead
And it’s starting to come through
That there’s no place in the world for you

You say you have your friends who think you’re the king
And what others think couldn’t mean a thing
You think your friends believe there’s nothing that you lack
If only you could see them laugh and talk behind your back
And one day you’ll realize it’s true
That there’s no place in the world for you

Steven Pein
23 April 1969

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