Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Price You Pay for Love

I wrote The Price You Pay for Love back in January 1968 while I was stationed in Germany. It's a light hearted bit about a guy that's confronted by an old flame that dumped him. This one also was lost for a long time and only recently found.


Some time ago you left me
When I needed you the most
You packed your things and said goodbye
And headed for the coast
And now I find you at my door
You want to have me back
You think I should invite you in
And help you to unpack

Perhaps you can’t appreciate
The way I cried that day
You left a man in misery
To go his lonely way
What kind of man do you suppose
Would ask you to come in
You want me to forget the pain
And loneliness I’ve seen

Now wipe that smile from your face
I’ll have to let you stay
I can’t turn down the girl I love
I’m a loser all the way

Steven Pein
5 January 1968

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