Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Storm

There was a tornado in 1993 that wiped out a whole town, and I remember thinking about what it would be like to experience that kind of tragedy. Then in 1994 there was a huge storm near Philadelphia that focused my attention back to the thoughts I had about that earlier tornado, and that prompted me to write "The Storm".

The Storm

The sky began to darken
You couldn't see the setting sun at all
The winds began to howl
And the rain began to fall.

A chill rode in upon the wind
The trees began to yield
The birds took off for shelter
Rabbits ran through the field.

The darkness gathered energy
The light did an eerie fade
From all around came howling sounds
Of distant dogs afraid.

A bright streak filled the western sky
The streetlights all went black
A momentary silence was broken
By a deafening sudden crash.

The rain started down in torrents
Streets flooded everywhere
White foam covered the sidewalks
The smell of ozone filled the air.

Somewhere in the distance
A flash of light gave warning
Reaching from the heavens
A funnel cloud was forming.

The winds then started swirling
The funnel tip touched the ground
It ripped off roofs and tore up trees
With a ghastly whistling sound.

Destruction stretched for miles
The damage toll was high
It shattered buildings in its path
And pulled them to the sky.

Then just as quickly as it formed
The funnel cloud did wane
The sky began to lighten
And drizzle replaced the rain.

A rainbow stretched from North to South
The setting sun came back in view
But the rainbow and the sunset
Were seen by very few.

Twenty lives were lost this night
Homes lost by the score
Nature's awesome fury
Left a scar forever more.

And though the losses were so large
In two years from today
All the homes will stand again
With yards where children play.

And families will rebuild their lives
And life will still go on
Folks will work from eight to five
And kids will mow the lawns.

But somewhere in a barber shop
The keeper of town lore
Will shake his head and tell about
The Storm of '94.

Steven Pein
23 July 1994
Copyright 1994

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how powerful we humans think we are. Everyone once in a while Mother Nature and/or God decide to show us how little power we actually wield.

Like that old proverb (a Jewish one if I recall correctly) that "Man plans and God laughs". So very true.

- Mike