Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life is short. Don't let distractions derail you and rob you of the things most precious in life.

I wrote "The Rain" in lyric style, hoping to coax my singer/songwriter cousin Shari to write the music one day. That hasn't happened yet. (But I can still hope.)
Boy loses girl. No, it's not really about a girl, but losing the woman you love seemed an appropriate theme to capture the way life's distractions can cost you dearly in the end.
I'll add another lyric poem in the near future, but for now I hope you enjoy this one.

The Rain

The rain flows down my window
As she slowly disappears,
I watch the taillights shimmer
Through the rain and through my tears.

I never really had a chance
To tell her what she meant,
She came and went too quickly
Like a summer flower's scent.

The rain obscures her image
As it pours down from above,
The red glow fades before me
As the taillights take my love.

I never had the time to sit
And watch the falling rain

I never had the time to tell her
How she eased my pain

I never had the time to tell her
I was glad she came

And now I've nothing left but time
I won't see her again.

I'm trying to remember life
before her but it feels,
That nowhere in my memory
was life without her real.

The bright flash of the lightning
And thunder's mighty roar,
Steal her image from my eyes
I'll hear her voice no more.

The rain flows down my window
As I watch the stormy end,
I never found the time and so
I lost my dearest friend.

Steven Pein
July 1994
Copyright 1994

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the words of 80s Rock Band Cinderella: "You Don't Know What you Got Till It's Gone". Ain't that the truth! Another good one Steve. Keep 'em coming my friend!

- Mike