Monday, January 25, 2010

A boy needs a dog.

I wasn't allowed to have a dog when I was a kid. Don't make the same mistake my folks made. Here's why....

A Special Friend

Every boy should have a dog
When he is growing up,
A trusty, loyal, furry pal
He raises from a pup.

Other pets can be okay,
And even kind of neat,
But dogs are really best for boys,
The others can't compete.

Cats are much too finicky,
And they won't fetch a stick,
In fact you hardly ever see
A cat that does a trick.

Hamsters on those squeaky wheels
Can keep you up all night,
It's cute the way they stuff their cheeks,
But sometimes hamsters bite.

Parakeets are colorful,
And some of them can talk,
But you can't put a leash on them
And take them for a walk.

Goldfish only swim around,
They won't come when you call,
In fact, when you get down to it,
They're hardly pets at all.

Now think of how a dog behaves
Compared to all the rest,
There absolutely is no doubt,
A dog is really best.

His wagging tail and loving licks
And sleeping on your bed,
Then lying back for belly rubs
And scratching of his head.

His face outside the window
When he's going for a ride,
The way he brings his leash to you
To say "Let's go outside!"

And how he can communicate
Without a single sound,
The special way he lets you know
He's glad that you're around.

So if you have a little boy,
I highly recommend,
You get the boy a puppy
Just to be his special friend.

Steven Pein
April 1993
Copyright 1994

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