Sunday, January 24, 2010

A lesson about monsters.

Did your parents tell you that monsters weren't real? They were wrong. I wrote Monsters to help children and parents understand the truth about monsters.


Monsters are mysterious,
There really is no doubt,
They come and go so quickly,
They're hard to figure out.

They're never in your closet,
Or underneath your bed,
But somehow when you're sleeping,
They get inside your head.

If you wake up screaming,
Your parents always say,
Back to bed, you're safe now,
The monsters went away.

How can monsters be there,
Then simply disappear,
Surely they go someplace,
But you can't figure where.

Parents can't appreciate
How puzzled you may feel,
Press them and they'll tell you
That monsters aren't real.

Though parents may deny it,
And though they may insist,
Take it from an expert
That monsters do exist.

Monsters can elude you
Through searches far and wide,
Because they never really leave,
It's in your head they hide.

The trick is learning how to deal
With having them inside you,
For everyone it's different,
But let me try to guide you.

Denying their existence
Can never work for long,
And never try to fight them,
'Cause monsters are too strong.

The way to deal with monsters,
And really do it right,
Is find a way to stop them
From scaring you at night.

Steven Pein
April 1993
Copyright 1994

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