Saturday, November 12, 2016

Too Close for Comfort – Third Party Votes Have Consequences

Third Party Votes Have Consequences. 

Earlier in my Blog I warned against voting for a third party candidate. We’ll never know for sure if third party votes cost Hillary Clinton the election, but there are four states in question that account for 75 Electoral votes.
I’ll present some numbers, but you’ll have to judge for yourself which side third party votes actually pulled from.
Here’s the breakdown by four states of their Electoral votes, Johnson’s percentage of the votes, “Other’s” percentage of the votes, and Trump’s percentage victory over Hillary.
Wisconson     (10)    3.6% Johnson, 1.6% Other, and 1.0% Trump lead

Michigan        (16)    3.6% Johnson, 1.5% Other, and 0.3% Trump lead

Pennsylvania (20)    2.4% Johnson, 1.2% Other, and 1.2% Trump lead

Florida           (29)    2.2% Johnson, 1.0% Other, and 1.3% Trump lead

These numbers are real eye openers to me. I welcome your take on this. Please feel free to submit your comments to this Blog posting using the “Post a Comment” link below.

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