Sunday, August 21, 2016

Security Clearance

For me, there is special significance regarding classified information. I spent most of my life dependent on a security clearance to make my living. Had I ever compromised or even remotely jeopardized secure information, my clearance would have been suspended and I would likely have faced additional harsh consequences. At a minimum, I would have to find work outside of the defense industry that I loved. That being said, I find myself repulsed by Hillary Clinton's negligence and disregard for the safeguarding of classified information.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this matter, but I want my friends to understand why I cannot forgive or forget what she did, and I know that most of my professional associates who depended on security clearances to earn a living feel exactly the same as I.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Concur. Justice may be blind, but not deaf, dumb or stupid. Egregious violations like hers have been tolerated but acts of conscience and consistency have been prosecuted. Military leaders have been "retired" or failed of promotion for less than what she has publicly admitted to doing.